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Category Archives: Vancouver Sun

Confession Time

So it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’ve been busy with school, homework and procrastination – which is exactly what I’m doing right now. I should be doing homework, but I just got a phone call from my mom who was talking to a friend of hers who had seen this article is on the front page of the Vancouver Sun website today. It was followed by this article.

On one side, we see a few godly women standing up for what they believe in and encouraging godly men to do the same (if any guys are reading this check out this video). And on the other side we see an entire generation who have no idea what it means to have a real relationship with someone.

I’m still here. Waiting. I have to keep reminding myself that God will bring around the right guy at the right time, but sometimes I get to wondering if that right guy is in the right place and if he’s not, will he ever find me. And then I wonder if I’m even in the right place. So many questions and so few real answers. It becomes difficult for a girl like me to even talk to anyone because, let’s face it, if a 28 year old girl says, “oh, by the way, I’m a virgin…” the best response is usually a blank stare. People don’t know how to respond anymore. In a culture so inundated with sex, purity has been all but lost – even in the church.

There are so many things that have begun to burn in my spirit and this is one of them, but they all tie together. My biggest beef right now – why do Christians have to be the tolerant ones? Why is it that every other race, religion and culture can speak out and be proud, but as soon as a Christian stands up, they become a bigot? All I have to say is watch out, world, here I come. If I’m not getting the notice, at least someone is. It’s time that more people like Amy, Tamara, Lisa and Danielle stand up for what they believe in and refuse to back down.