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Category Archives: mate

I’d Rather Smoke A Joint

Every good Christian girl is looking for several things in a potential mate.  Is he a Christian?  Does he come from a good family?  Does he go to a decent church?  One question I’d never think to ask: would he rather smoke a joint?  Yeah, I’m as flabbergasted as you are.

Mr Zairois sent me quite the message this afternoon, “how are you doing Dear?” (I’m not your Dear.  Don’t call me that.  But I’m flattered you’d think to capitalize it!)

When debating whether or not to respond to a communication, I check out the profile before I even read the message.  If I don’t like what I see, I won’t respond (but you’d better believe I’m going to blog about it later if I find it demeaning, amusing or downright absurd).

Zairois is 26 and stands no taller than I.  (I made an attempt today to try to explain to a friend why this is a problem with any man:  I, like any normal woman, love shoes.  Stilettos to be exact.  So, on any given day, while I stand only 5’5″ barefoot, I clear 5’9″ with my shoes on.  Been there, done that, would rather not tower over my man.  In my mind that’s like an elf dating a hobbit.  I just can’t picture it.)  He claims to be a Christian and his profession is “work” (good for you!).  Among his list of interests is wine, martinis, beer and pubs.  (I understand that the whole alcohol thing is a personal choice and everything, but I’m of the opinion that Christians shouldn’t be the ones over-indulging, let alone advertising that’s how they spend their free time.  But… I’ll let it slide this time because, in the words of my brother, it just keeps gettin’ gooder and gooder.)

Zairois is “Good man ,responsible, good listener,…..down to earth, Head on shoulders”  Glad to know he currently resides on planet earth and that his head is indeed on his shoulders (with most men, I’d say it’s below the waist).

I like to spend my Sunday mornings at church.  Aside from the fact that I have numerous church-related commitments to fulfill on the Sabbath, even if I didn’t, I think that church is a good habit for, well, anyone.  Zairois?  Not him.  He’s got other plans for his holy day.

“One of my favourite things to do on a Sunday morning is to sit outside with a coffee and a joint!”

Yup, you read that right.  Coffee and a joint.  I wracked my brain trying to think of anything else the word “joint” could be referring to.  I drew a blank.  Asked some friends and still came up short (5’5″ to be exact).  So, if you happen to know something I don’t, please enlighten me, otherwise, Zairois is heading to my list of blocked users.

Coffee and a joint…