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Category Archives: men

Confession Time

So it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’ve been busy with school, homework and procrastination – which is exactly what I’m doing right now. I should be doing homework, but I just got a phone call from my mom who was talking to a friend of hers who had seen this article is on the front page of the Vancouver Sun website today. It was followed by this article.

On one side, we see a few godly women standing up for what they believe in and encouraging godly men to do the same (if any guys are reading this check out this video). And on the other side we see an entire generation who have no idea what it means to have a real relationship with someone.

I’m still here. Waiting. I have to keep reminding myself that God will bring around the right guy at the right time, but sometimes I get to wondering if that right guy is in the right place and if he’s not, will he ever find me. And then I wonder if I’m even in the right place. So many questions and so few real answers. It becomes difficult for a girl like me to even talk to anyone because, let’s face it, if a 28 year old girl says, “oh, by the way, I’m a virgin…” the best response is usually a blank stare. People don’t know how to respond anymore. In a culture so inundated with sex, purity has been all but lost – even in the church.

There are so many things that have begun to burn in my spirit and this is one of them, but they all tie together. My biggest beef right now – why do Christians have to be the tolerant ones? Why is it that every other race, religion and culture can speak out and be proud, but as soon as a Christian stands up, they become a bigot? All I have to say is watch out, world, here I come. If I’m not getting the notice, at least someone is. It’s time that more people like Amy, Tamara, Lisa and Danielle stand up for what they believe in and refuse to back down.

Finding Hope

I’m still not holding my breath about finding the love of my life on Plenty of Fish, but, every once in a while, someone stands out. The most recent man to rise above doesn’t claim to be a Christian and we are in no way compatible, but I got the following message from him:

I truly truly truly wish you the best. Even though I am not a Christian when I see girls with a solid relationship with God ,my hearts gets warmer a bit.

I am impressed on several levels. First – that he took the time to read my profile rather than just clicking “Meet Me” because he happened to like my smile. Second – that he respects the life I’ve chosen for myself. But then I ask, why can’t Christian guys be like that? 

The Perfect First Date

I believe the following need little explanation.  These “first dates” are actually pulled from real profiles.  You tell me if you’d go out with these guys:

“i will go with a red rose, my heart, and kiss. iwill promise that i will love for ever, i will give my heart as a gift and i will kiss, if somebody accept me as a her lover.”  (I’m not sure it’s a good idea to tell a girl that you will love her forever when on your first date.  These things take time!)

“You’ll just have to wait and see…”  (Could he be any less creative?  I’m not into top-secret first dates.  It’s difficult enough to go on a first date without wondering if the guy is going to take you bungee jumping, kayaking or watersliding.)

“A first date would be dinner and drinks on a patio at Whiterock could you spot me a coulpe of bucks?”  (Yes, I always wanted to pay for a first date.  Who wants to go dutch when you can pay for the whole thing yourself?)

“thats simple i would probably just go out for a coffee or a couple of drinks. no sense in wasting time trying to go on a complex date when you dont even know the person. a first date is almost like a job interview. your both trying to determine if one is qualified for the other.”  (At least this guy has the right mindset regarding first dates.  Why waste time and money on an elaborate date when you don’t even know if you’re going to go on another?)

“Rob a bank then fly off to somewhere exotic and bury a lot of the money in a mayonnaise jar somewhere in the sand then make a treasure map so we can find it later” (Now that’s my idea of a first date!)

Then there is the endless list of boring (you wouldn’t believe how many people actually put “coffee or drinks”)…

“Am big on surprises so i won’t tell you right now but i will make it memorable”

“go somewhere we can talk and have some fun”

“Well something fun i bet, something to break the ice…. :)”

“For a first date something simple like a coffee or a drink where we can talk and get to know one another.”

This is what we’re getting ladies.  A bunch of indecisive men who aren’t willing to commit to anything.  Tell me again why I’m doing this?

Not So Many Fish

There aren’t as many fish in the sea as Plenty of Fish would like you to believe.  At least none that are biting.  I’ve learned that if I don’t bite first, they won’t bite back.

I made it through the weekend without a single communication received.  Mind you, I didn’t send any out either.  Call me old fashioned, but I’d rather be pursued than the pursuer.  I’ve put myself “out there” by posting a profile.  Men should be flocking toward me (or my profile) and sending me messages left, right and centre!  Here I am world (of men), come to me!  Or not.

I did get a nibble by a 51 year old man.  Should I be flattered or disgusted?  I know I’m 27, but with an age difference like that, the word pedophile was one of the first to jump into my mind.  I’m more inclined to be flattered if a 23 year old male model from Spain views my profile.

Little Miss Virgin

That’s me. The virgin. The twenty-seven year old virgin. And, believe it or not, it’s by choice.

Though online matching is nothing new to me, I’ve recently opened a new chapter of my forray into cyber-dating. I’m an eHarmony girl. Or, was until my subscription expired at the end of March. I’d been an eHarmony girl for three years. Three years!

EHarmony was my mom’s idea. We were in the middle of planning my baby sister’s wedding when my mom called me up at work one day. Valentine’s day. I think she felt sorry for me. It was a good thing that my job required little to no effort and on that day, no attention at all. My mom took me through the entire online survey all the while telling me that this was a good thing and I was bound to meet my match. Well, I met a match. I met over five hundred matches. Or at least five hundred men were matched with me. Whether or not they wished to communicate with me was another story entirely.

The entries that are to follow are the stories I’ve collected over the last three years mixed in with the new stories I’m currently collecting. Gone are the days of deeply compatible matches. Plenty of Fish is my new domain. If you’re a man within fifty kilometres of yours truly, you’re a 97% match! Apparently gender and distance are the only things that really matter. Men and women are reduced to screennames including at least one capital letter and one numerical character. Why hello, MrCanada49! HotStuff1, I bet you’re my match. But wait, Allthatandabagofchips89 just sent me a message. Maybe he’s the one for me.

Join me if you will on an adventure and let’s see if Little Miss Virgin really can find her match!