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Category Archives: old

I’m looking for someone sweet, not a sugar daddy.

In what universe would I ever be interested in a 58 year-old divorced Jew with kids over the age of 18?  (Not that I have anything in general against 58 year-olds, divorcees, Jews or kids over the age of 18 – I am, after all, a kid over the age of 18.)  I’m just not looking for those qualities in a future mate.

Mr Old-Enough-To-Be-My-Father is apparently a film producer ( has his last film listed for 2003 – so I assume that he’s an out of work film producer or has only made movies so bad they failed to be credited).  He’s also a “bissness” man.  Everything a woman could want & then some! (His words, not mine.)

**shudder**  Wait…  **shudder**

I fail to recall entering “looking for a golf buddy for my father” in my profile.  Perhaps I should double-check.  I would have assumed that this guy was woefully mislead if it weren’t for the fact that he himself stated in his profile that he is looking for a woman under 30.

Wait for it… **shudder**

He brags about owning a house not only in L.A., but also one in San Diego (both locations spelled incorrectly).  I couldn’t care less that he owns a couple of houses in California.  He’s only in my area for six months.  Makes me wonder what he’s actually looking for.

I admit that I’m a pretty sweet girl, but I’m not the arm candy kind.  I’d like to consider myself more of a nice, big mug of rich hot chocolate topped with a million mini marshmallows.

Looks like this guy was mis-informed as to the location of the Playboy mansion.