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Category Archives: online

Little Miss Virgin

That’s me. The virgin. The twenty-seven year old virgin. And, believe it or not, it’s by choice.

Though online matching is nothing new to me, I’ve recently opened a new chapter of my forray into cyber-dating. I’m an eHarmony girl. Or, was until my subscription expired at the end of March. I’d been an eHarmony girl for three years. Three years!

EHarmony was my mom’s idea. We were in the middle of planning my baby sister’s wedding when my mom called me up at work one day. Valentine’s day. I think she felt sorry for me. It was a good thing that my job required little to no effort and on that day, no attention at all. My mom took me through the entire online survey all the while telling me that this was a good thing and I was bound to meet my match. Well, I met a match. I met over five hundred matches. Or at least five hundred men were matched with me. Whether or not they wished to communicate with me was another story entirely.

The entries that are to follow are the stories I’ve collected over the last three years mixed in with the new stories I’m currently collecting. Gone are the days of deeply compatible matches. Plenty of Fish is my new domain. If you’re a man within fifty kilometres of yours truly, you’re a 97% match! Apparently gender and distance are the only things that really matter. Men and women are reduced to screennames including at least one capital letter and one numerical character. Why hello, MrCanada49! HotStuff1, I bet you’re my match. But wait, Allthatandabagofchips89 just sent me a message. Maybe he’s the one for me.

Join me if you will on an adventure and let’s see if Little Miss Virgin really can find her match!