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Category Archives: faith

Faith or Function

I’ve been struggling this week. Not that my life is so difficult. I’m busy, but it’s not all that bad. Since starting school again, I’ve been faced with a world I thought I’d left behind. The school environment being part of it and widely liberal thinking being the other.

We Canadians are coming up to an election. This is an important event for us. I heard recently that there are approximately 3 million people between the ages of 18 and 25 that are eligable to vote. Most of them are not being targeted and encouraged to take action and vote. I’m glad.

All around campus I’ve been hearing things that make my heart hurt. Young people railing against our current government. People saying we need change. People who aren’t happy with the direction Mr Harper has been taking us. I’m glad that most of these people don’t seem to care quite enough to vote.

Perhaps it is because I was born and raised in the church that makes me a strong supporter of conservative government, but that doesn’t really matter now. I’m old enough to make my own choices and I still choose to support the Conservatives. When I got a phone call from the party asking if they could count on my support, it was a resounding YES! I don’t want to imagine a Canada with leaders who don’t care about the morality of our nation.

All of that being said, I find myself surrounded by people who do not share my political views. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Morals are lost and faith is no where to be found. When people push the envelope, it’s not in the direction of truth, but lies. This is where my struggle is.

I am endevouring to enter an industry where faith-based work is frowned upon. The question that came to me this week was this: if one can lie by omission, is to omit my faith from my work to deny it? Would I be denying my Lord and Saviour if I give in to those who say I cannot be successful if I include my faith in what I do? I know I am not alone in my struggle. And when asked the question of why not, an instructor was left nearly speechless. She had no exact response.

What is it about the world that sees rage against faith as edgy, modern and stylish, but anything promoting faith and morals has become archaic and even offensive?

Did I Miss Something?

Plenty of Fish is a dating site, isn’t it? Lately I’ve begun to question the truth of that.

A couple of weeks ago I got a message from someone that had absolutely nothing to do with dating. The length of said message was surprising as was the fact that it didn’t open with “hey ur cute”.

TC messaged me with one purpose: to challenge my faith.

I have yet to discover the reason why he commenced communication with me and have even asked outright. At first I played his game. He sent me a list of links to videos and articles, some of which I checked out. I sent him a list of links to videos, all of which he tried to discount for one reason or another.

It seems to me that TC is looking for some answers and, since he can’t seem to find them where he’s looking, he’s taken to challenging those who have found answers for themselves. I know who and what I am and I know who and what I believe in. No one can shake that. TC wanted me to prove my God to him. I can’t do that. Only God can prove Himself. TC told me to ask God to reveal Himself to him (I did) and then I told TC to ask God himself. It is not my job to prove anything. God is more than able to do that. But I take offense at those who seek to mock Him and my faith in Him. And to use a dating site to accomplish this?

Like I said, I think I missed something here.

If your Dumb .. dont bother…




I tried to be nice today.  The above “About Me” is taken from my #1 match of the day.  I couldn’t help it.  Oh, the atrocities that abound!  I sent this gentleman (and I use that term only to describe his gender) a note politely stating that, if he were truly seeking intelligent women, perhaps he should avail himself to spell check and perhaps adjust his profile.  I also asked if his profile entry actually worked for him.

LOL …opps!! i didnt kno you were part of the “Plenty Of Fish Police” !!!

So much for being nice.

and by the way…yup it does work for me. its seperates the dirties that i dont want messaging me!

He gets positive responses to that? Somehow this has not renewed my faith in my own gender, nor the opposite.  At least he took my suggestion and changed his one-liner immediately.  “If you’re dumb, don’t bother.”

One down, untold millions left to go.

Do I look like a heathen to you?

Mark330xi says “ur beautiful”.  (First off, I didn’t realize I could get instant messages on Plenty of Fish.)  At least he got one of three words spelled right.  Punctuation leaves something to be desired. 

Mark/Menosh (don’t know which is his real name) sent me a message the other day saying he like my well-written profile.  He loves my pretty smile and would love to get to know me.  Yup.  Mm hmm.  Today he sent me an IM asking if I liked what I read on his profile.  Sure, why not?  Seems like a half-decent guy and I told him so, but I don’t see what we have in common and he promptly closed his IM window.

Mark/Menosh is 5’8″ (taller than me, but still too short for my heels), divorced (been there, done that, not gonna do it again), drinks socially (you know I don’t really believe anyone who says that), likes weekend getaways (I’m not leaving with any man on an overnight trip until my honeymoon), and on a first date would go for drinks on an outdoor patio (as opposed to an indoor patio).

“Beauty is only skin deep – persoanlity and substance is the key.”  I don’t even know what to say to that.  This guy messaged me because he thinks I’m cute (must look like a dog on the inside if beauty is only skin deep), thinks personality (at least I’m assume that’s what he means) and substance are key, yet didn’t really read my profile (well, maybe he did and chose to ignore several important points).

And here comes my rant:

Guys – girls who don’t drink aren’t going to go for drinks on a first date. 

Just because you think I’m cute doesn’t mean I’m going to think you’re cute especially when my eyes are more drawn to the mess in your bathroom rather than your face (which, by the way, is too blurry for me to discern any details in your features).

If you don’t want me to waste your time, don’t waste mine.  Most people who feel the need to express their religious status (whether it be Christian, Jewish, Sikh, Muslim or any other), aren’t looking for people who aren’t religious at all.  If you’re not a Christian, I can tell you right now, anything else we may have in common is pretty much void – that is unless you’re willing to convert (and by convert, I don’t mean get sprinkled in the church so you can say you’re a Christian, I mean, full out, Holy Ghost-filled, fire-baptized, gonna change the world convert).

I am never ceased to be amazed at the people in the world who do no recognise the great importance of faith in others.  Just because you don’t care that I have faith doesn’t mean that I don’t care that you don’t.  And let’s be honest, if you like to spend your weekends at the pub, I’m gonna be a downer for you since I spent my weekends at church.