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Tag Archives: appropriate

Not A Chance (Dirty Filthy Pervert Part III)

So if you got a message from a cute guy, would you answer?

If you got a message from a “really cute guy who had been just girl deprived for months working up north would you maybe help him out and trade a couple body pics with him?”

Again, I just have to wonder, at what point in humanity’s evolution did a proposition like this become appropriate or socially acceptable? And who are the girls that actually say yes to encourage guys like this to keep making propositions like this?

Ladies, here’s a hint, if you don’t want to be treated like a piece of meat, don’t act like one! When you go out dressed like you walk the streets at night for a living, you can’t be surprised if you get cat calls and whistles and really, you have no right to get mad,either. What you’re doing it making it worse for the rest of us girls who actually value who and what we are by letting men get away with crude, rude behaviour.

To Mr. deal2233, my response to his proposition was “not a chance”. I’m sorry. No, I’m not sorry. I’m worth way more than a couple of dirty pictures just so you can deal with your deprivation (there’s another post waiting there).